Momma Makes Cents

Money Management for the Overwhelmed Adult

cranberries in a jar on loose cranberries

What’s In Season: December

Even as the Northern Hemisphere cools off and braces for the winter winds, there is still a colorful array of seasonal produce to be had. The aptly named winter squashes with their hard skins are still plentiful, and now is the time citrus fruit, with their burst of vitamin C, truly are in season. The late fall varieties of apples an pears are still available, and while nut production is winding down for the year, chestnuts and pecans are still fresh. Ergo that familiar tune: “Chestnuts roasting on an open fire…” The beautiful cranberry is still very much in season and adds a cheery pop of color to the table. Cranberry Christmas Cake, anyone?

Acorn SquashApples
Brussels SproutsCranberries
Butternut SquashGrapefruit
Collard GreensOranges
Spaghetti SquashChestnuts
Swiss ChardPecans

In addition to these, some produce is considered year round thanks to variable growing seasons and storage capacity. These include the following: Bananas, Bell Peppers, Broccoli, Garlic, Mushrooms, and Onions.