It’s the holiday season and everything is crazy. Work is bananas with end of the year this and that. There is shopping to do. Gifts to buy. Parties to attend. Bills to pay. Crabby customers. Cold weather. Appointments to get in before your deductible resets. Oh, and have you called your Mom yet?
That exhausted me just writing it.
Point is, it’s not difficult to find yourself wiped out and ready to reach for the mobile order app for your favorite pizza joint. But by the time you pay for the pie, the delivery fee, the fuel upcharge, taxes, and tip… you’re looking of upwards of $40. You really cannot afford it, but you’re also exhausted and now painfully craving the comfort of pizza in your face.
Let me introduce you to your new best friend and lifesaver:
Emergency Pizza
That’s right. Momma’s not gonna tell you to go without the pizza. Because well, that’s just dumb talking. But I am going to advise you that you always always always keep a pizza in your freezer in case of emergency. And yes, a craptastic day where you’re about to pull out the credit card and blow half your week’s grocery budget on pizza, is absolutely an emergency.
Am I gonna tell you what brand to stow? No. Am I gonna lecture you about reducing your processed foods in your diet? Also no. Am I going to advise you that if you find every night is an emergency pizza night, you might want to take stock of your life and consider stress reduction? Yes. Very yes. But because I care about you, your welfare, and your quality of life.
But barring a need for an overhaul to life in general, there’s absolutely no shame in keeping a frozen pizza at hand at all times. Just in case. Trying to eat healthier? Great! Keep the pizza anyway. Because inevitably you will have a day where decision fatigue sets in, you’re hungry, and angry, and frankly your good healthy eating intentions just marched out the door. So keep the pizza. Eat the pizza. Heck, have a beer or some wine with it. Put it on your one place setting of fine china. Or a paper plate for ease of cleanup.
Here’s the trick. When you use EmergencyFrozenPizza.exe, you will want to immediately put it on your shopping list to replace it. You don’t want to have a need for it, to find that it’s gone. Kind of like TP. Another one of those things you just don’t wanna run out of.
Now if you’re disinclined to buy the already prepped pizzas, you can make your own and freeze it. Which is not a terrible idea, especially if you’re already making yourself one for dinner on a non-crazy night. Naan, tortillas, French bread, garlic toast, and English muffins can all work as a crust base if you’re feeling creative. Make one, freeze one. Always a fantastic idea!
Understand, I am not telling you that you can never order a pizza again, nor am I saying to never darken the doors of your favorite pizzeria for a fresh from the oven delight. I am saying that you want to do these things calmly, planned ahead, so you’re not screaming about where your money ran away to after the fact. Emergency Pizza is your buffer against stress and hunger spending that you’ll regret later. Pizza does not pair well with regret. And don’t forget, on those calm, planned Pizza Nights, you can ask your favorite pizza joint to half-bake a second pie, and then put that one in your freezer.
Let me know what your favorite pizza is!
Eat well! Momma